When Can You Expect Your $1,400 Stimulus Check?

The legislation, which was narrowly passed by the Senate over the weekend, includes $1,400 stimulus payments for about 90 percent of all Americans, money for vaccine distribution and additional funds for unemployment, small businesses, states, schools and more.

The American Rescue Plan directs the $1,400 direct payments to individuals earning up to $75,000, but cuts off eligibility for single people earning more than $80,000.

For couples who file a joint federal income tax return, the phase-out begins at those making $150,000 & ends at $160,000.

People who file their taxes as head of household will receive the full $1,400 if they earn less than $112,500, while the payments will be cut off for those earning more than $120,000.

As of now, many Americans will begin getting their stimulus checks by the end of March.

Want to figure out if YOU are getting a stimulus check?

Check out this stimulus calculator!

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