Kanye West reportedly tied the knot with Yeezy designer Bianca Censori two months after his divorce from Kim Kardashian was finalized at the end of 2022. According to the Daily Mail, the controversial rapper and Censori held a private ceremony and were spotted wearing wedding rings during a recent outing together. The two were spotted grabbing a bite to eat in Beverly Hills. Kanye was pictured wearing the wedding band for the first time last week and sources told the outlet that it symbolizes his commitment to her.
However, the pair is not officially married as they have not filed a marriage certificate, according to the Daily Mail. The outlet also claims that it's unclear how long Kanye and Censori have been dating but they did report that Censori joined the Yeezy company in November 2020 as the Head of Architecture after graduating from Melbourne University in Australia.
In December 2022, Kanye released a track called "Censori Overload," which is a play on his unofficial wife's last name. The song features Kanye rapping about his new relationship— "And The Bible said/ I can’t have any more sex 'til marriage"— and his highly publicized split from Kardashian. "Waking up to "I can’t do this anymore" text/ I know it’s 'cause the headlines / Why she wanna leave," he raps on the track.
That same month, Kim opened up about co-parenting her four children with Kanye. "One day my kids will thank me for sitting here and not bashing their dad when I could. All the crazy s---. They'll thank me and I'll privately answer anything that they want to know. It's not my place anymore to jump in," she said.